President -
Presides over pledge class; delegates any job given to him or her by
the VPPE. He has an overall responsibility of the pledge class
progress and participation. (Needs to be able to lead, to give their
all to the fraternity, and be able to take responsibility at the very
beginning. The President needs to be able to charge.)
Vice President -
Assist the president whenever possible; presides over the pledge
meetings if president is unable to attend. Responsible for helping
the president ensure that the pledge class plans a professional,
service, fundraising, and social event.
Treasurer -
Collects and records all money paid or rose by the pledge class.
Directly coordinates with the chapter VP-Finance.
Secretary -
Takes minutes of each pledge meeting and turns in minutes to the
VPPE. Responsible for taking roll at all pledge meetings and events.
Historian -
Takes pictures of all pledge class activities and puts together a
pledge class bulletin board.
Chancellor -
Maintains order and presides over the pledge meetings.
I really appreciate your professional approach. These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.