3rd exam 12-15 study guideline for Management 310

To help all levels of a company management must recognize concepts that are defined and reviewed in Management 310 for the exam. For example, the Organizational process is the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customer’s value.

Whereas, Departmentalization is subdividing work and workers into separate organizational units responsible for completing particular tasks 
Functional departmentalization – definition, characteristics is organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular business functions or areas of expertise
Product departmentalization is organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for producing particular products or services 
Customer departmentalization - advantage and disadvantage organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular kinds of customers
Hostile work environment
a form of sexual harassment in which unwelcome and demeaning sexually related behavior creates an intimidating and offensive work environment
Chain of command – Line, staff is the vertical line of authority that clarifies who reports to whom throughout the organization which is different from Chain of command -Staff authority the right to advise, but not command, others who are not subordinates in the chain of command 
Project teams are those  teams created to complete specific, one–time projects or tasks within a limited time 
Norms are informally agreed–on standards that regulate team behavior and communication in the workplace

Line authority is the right to command immediate subordinates in the chain of command

an activity that contributes directly to creating or selling the company’s products is Line function

To properly manage a team goals must be set that are reasonable and easily achieved. It is necessary for all members to feel like they are contributing to the common goal. For example, consider the following terms

By definition, solving problems by consistently applying the same rules, procedures, and processes is Standardization

Decentralization- definition, advantage- the location of a significant amount of authority in the lower levels of the organization

Team- definition, advantages & disadvantages, classification (functional or cross-functional)

a team composed of employees from different functional areas of the organization
forming storm norming perform is a Cross–functional team
Managers must recognize Social loafing. the behavior in which team members withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work is defined as Social loafing
Self-designing teams is the a team that has the characteristics of self–managing teams but also controls team design, work tasks, and team membership
Cognitive conflict & affective conflict
Human resource management: definition the process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified work force
BFOQs is the an exception in employment law that permits sex, age, religion, and the like to be used when making employment decisions, but only if they are “reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business.” BFOQs are strictly monitored by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Adverse impact- unintentional discrimination is the unintentional discrimination that occurs when members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained (or any other employment decision) at substantially lower rates than others
Disparate treatment is the intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, color, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs
sexual harassment- definition, meaning, types (quid pro quo and hostile work environment)
Quid pro quo sexual harassment is a form of sexual harassment in which employment outcomes, such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one’s job, depend on whether an individual submits to sexual harassment

Job analysis, job description, job specification- definition, meaning, implications
Job analysis
a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work–related aspects of a job
Functional departmentalization: organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular business functions or areas of expertise.
Job description
a written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a particular job

Job specifications
a written summary of the qualifications needed to successfully perform a particular job

Selection- definition, selection information the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job
Diversity- definition, meaning, purpose a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an organization’s employees and customers
Affirmative action and diversity purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women
Types of discrimination
Glass Ceiling the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations
Managing discriminations – the role of the managers
three paradigms for managing diversity are the discrimination and fairness paradigm
(equal opportunity, fair treatment, strict compliance with the law), the access and
legitimacy paradigm (matching internal diversity to external diversity), and the learning
and effectiveness paradigm (achieving organizational plurality by integrating deep-level
diversity into the work of the organization).
Staff function
an activity that does not contribute directly to creating or selling the company’ products, but instead supports line activities
Follow and enforce federal and state laws regarding equal employment opportunity. Treat group differences as important but not special. Find the common ground. Tailor opportunities to individuals, not groups. Reexamine, but maintain, high standards. Solicit negative as well as positive feedback. Set high but realistic goals. The two types of diversity training are awareness training and skills-based diversity training. Companies also manage diversity through diversity audits and diversity pairing and by having top executives experience what it is like to be in the minority.

Communication the process of transmitting information from one person or place to another
Perception- definition, process (perception filter, retention,…)
perception the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments
Perceptual filters the personality–, psychology–, or experience–based differences that influence people to ignore or pay attention to particular stimuli Closure the tendency to fill in gaps of missing information by assuming that what we don’t know is consistent with what we already know
selective perception the tendency to notice and accept objects and information consistent with our values, beliefs, and expectations while ignoring or screening out or not accepting inconsistent stimuli or information
Attribution theory- fundamental attribution error
a theory that states that we all have a basic need to understand and explain the causes of other people’s behavior
Fundamental attribution error
the tendency to ignore external causes of behavior and to attribute other people’s actions to internal causes

Types of bias
Defensive, self serving, Communication channels
e sender, the receiver, noise, and feedback. formal and informal communication channels, one-on-one communication, and nonverbal communication

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