Culture in Business

The sum total of values, beliefs, expectations, artifacts, art, attitudes, expressions and institutions of a particular group of people.


We evaluate everything based upon our own preferences and reject things that may others prefer. We, thus, tend to associate with

people who are like us and disassociate with people who are not like us.


(Love/Hate) We tend to like, admire, respect, want to be with and even love those who are like us or who are in our group and we

tend to dislike, resent, distrust, avoid and sometimes even hate those who are unlike us or who are in an opposing group.

(Herbert Spencer)

According to Ralph Linton:

In some ways:

i. Each man(woman) is like no other man(woman)
ii. Each man is like all other men
iiii. Each man is like some other men

1.Personality theory
2.Roots of psychological analysis with it Id, Ego, Superego
3.Social Psychology (culture)


Ennius- Father of Roman literature. He said he had three hearts, that is, languages:
Oscan–Native tongue; Latin-Army language (The Gladiator and the SPQR brand[Senatus populisque romanum]) Greek- language of the scholar; It’s not unusual to associate language with the heart (Azeri girl)

Language is an integral part of a culture. There are about 6000 extant languages in the world today. Are they growing in number or decreasing? About 1 billion+ people in the world have obtained their intellectual inheritance from the Greeks. About 2 billion+ people obtain their heritage and traditions from the Chinese. Greeks and Chinese differ in their view of personal agency, harmony and cooperation, in their art, music and in other aspects of their cultures.

East and West

Rudyard Kipling~

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the t’wain shall meet..”

Oriental and Occidental

The etymology of the word, oriental, can be traced to a Greek word, oriens, meaning rising. Occidental comes from the Latin , occidere, meaning to fall.

High Context vs. Low Context Cultures

S.Korea- an education society- more school days than any other country. At the 1998 Winter Olympics a teacher lit the torch which had been carried by students. On the National Exam Day for College. Entrance Tests, emloyers start work later to clear the streets for students. Airport flights are also rescheduled so as not to disturb test takers.


language &

Yin and Yang

Some literature examples: Lucy Maude Montgomery



>Throughout history and across cultures people may hearken

back to times when troubles and conflicts were overcome by strong and brave ancestral counterparts. It often is an idealization

of where we came from, and is a part of a core concept of culture.

In Germany: Teutonic Knights, American Indians, von Richtofen

>Today, in Germany, the American Indian is enthusiastically admired and respected, fostered by the novels of Karl May and his

hero, Winnetou. Why? What is there about an Indian warrior that appeals to the sentiments of Germans?

Italians are also using American Indians as a symbol in their efforts to exclude the influx of immigrants

Cultural Universals
Power of myth

GESTURES (class exercise)




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