Where and How Freshman Study

When the college freshman decides to study is just as important as why the student has chosen to dedicate their time to learning new information and how the student is studying. Even more important is when to study. Study in class during the lecture. When taking notes, make sure to put highlight on important information that will likely appear on the exam. If a topic is continually being discussed there is a high probability that the point will be on the test. If the teacher writes something on the board make sure to copy that down! The teacher is not writing on the board for his own benefit.
This leads to the obvious statement: Go to class everyday! Even missing one class can mean missing valuable information that will help with studying.
Studying in groups is mutually beneficial and can help the student recall information easier. In classes which are primarily lecture, having a study group can mean getting information that may have been missed due to the fast pace of the course. It is important to study much earlier than the night or morning before the test. Cramming for tests does not allow your brain to store all the necessary material, the notes get stored in short term memory and are all but forgotten by the next day. This is a problem in the short run because most final exams are a general review of the entire course. In the long run, cramming hurts your professional performance. This means don't procrastinate!
Try and study in small amounts each day. Reviewing your notes and class discussion once class is over is a great way to make studying easier and vastly improve academic performance.
Studying in a quiet place is vital to ensuring you can stay focused. Avoiding distractions such as music and television will guarantee your studying is efficient and effective.
Studying is necessary because it allows your cranium the opportunity to absorb new material. College Cranium offers the following advice: study for an hour to an hour and half and then take a fifteen break. During that break find something to eat or other activity to ease your mind and relax. Making note-cards is a great study habit and can help with memorizing key points. Remember, in college, memorizing is only half of studying, the other half is making sure that you can understand and properly apply the information in real life situations.
Don't overwhelm yourself the night before a big test by not preparing for the exam ahead of time. Asking the professor questions about topics you don't understand during his office hours is a great way to distinguish yourself from the rest of the class and also make sure that your academic performance will reflect your understanding of the material. Staying organized is a great way to remain efficient and will help with avoiding stress. Some stress is good because it keeps the student motivated and focused, but overwhelming stress is not fun and can be avoided.
To retain weeks of new material and information, daily studying is important. Because of this, the when to study is more important than the how or where
Throughout college, you will learn as a freshman, that your own study habits will present themselves. You will learn what methods of studying work best for you whether it's flashcards, re-reading the information many times, or even writing and re-writing definitions. Writing information repeatedly is an excellent way to retain important information.
Make sure to attend class regularly and get to know your professors. Also, get acquainted with other colleagues who share your academic goals and form study groups for maximum studying efficiency.
Make sure the study group all shares the common interest of succeeding in the course, not simply passing. It can be uncomfortable when everyone except one person wants to pull their share of the weight. Having a single lazy team member benefit off the work of the rest of the team is unfair to everyone. Make sure you are not that student! Politely ask that team member to pick up the pace or begin doing his share of the work or else he will not be allowed to participate in the study sessions. Even if this student is a personal friend, he can be distracting others and may need to be someone to socialize with after your studying and academic affairs are finished.


  1. It's better to study in group, with friends!

  2. It was wonderful reading your blog. All the points above as how to study are really good and all kids need to follow theses to keep concentrated on studies.
    Planning your college
