Fraternity's: Serious Business

This happened at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana. What you see is the remains of one the most "fratty" of the frats in this backwoods area. Ruston is a small college town in North Louisiana and word about the Pike's house spread faster than the fire. The newspapers and initial investigation state that the fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha, was having a fire when the blaze got out of control. The fire happened on the last day of the school year, so it was thought that the frat was simply burning their old text books and playing volleyball--very frat-star and Greek by any traditional college terms-- when the attic or something caught an ember. However, when sirens awoke everyone sleeping in a 3 mile radius at 4 in the morning, it was apparent the party had literally set the roof on fire. Official reports could easily be misguided because of the prestige and financial investments that the Pi Kappa's and their alumni have in this small college town. So upon further investigation, other details surface.
Word on the street is that Sigma Nu, the rivals of Pi Kappa and also their neighbors, did it in retaliation.
Speculators and inside sources say that Pi Kappa Alpha of Louisiana Tech had damaged the cars of the Sigma Nu's who live right next door. In retaliation, some think that the Sigma Nu's of Louisiana Tech decided to burn the house of their rivals to the ground.
Another student at Louisiana Tech, who was at the the last party at the Pi Kappa Alpha house, suspects a clandestine methamphetamine laboratory located in their basement as being responsible for the charred remains of the house of one of Louisiana Tech's most prestigious and financially well off fraternity. Rivalries between fraternities seem to vary from campus to campus, but one thing remains the same: there is a big difference between college hi-jinks and arson.
Upon further investigation, it was concluded that police arrived in time to escort everyone outside of the fraternity house, even one frat member who was sleeping.
There are many questions that arise, because the fire was described as an "explosion" by everyone in ear shot as well as fire fighters. So how was this one member sleeping through not only an end-of-the-year party but also a fiery explosion? The picture above was taken once the sun rose. Hours later the brick walls and remains were further torn down, leaving nothing but a flat land of charred remains and hidden secrets.


  1. i'm pretty sure it's spelled fraternities' dat spelling 2 stronk

  2. and wtf is is possesive?

  3. gtfo with the grammar bromo
