Pre-Exam Stress in College

It's the day of a big test and you've studied, but are still extremely nervous. Whether or not you pass or fail the course relies on doing well on this exam. The instructor hands out the exams and you take a look at the first question. Suddenly, your mind goes blank! This is just an example of one the many negative effects stress can have on a student before taking a test. How can college students avoid stress before an exam? College Cranium offers the following advice to not just freshman.

Confidence in preparation!

As a student, your primary responsibility is going to class and learning the material. That being said, it is important to study hard and study properly before an important test. Don't allow yourself to fall behind in the class especially early in the semester (or quarter). Most classes give students opportunities to make up for a failed test.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before a valuable test. This means no "all-nighters" and studying into the early hours of the morning. Study weeks in advance, and get a good nights sleep. This also means no partying or excessive energy drinks late at night. Be confident that you have prepared properly and that way sleep will come easy because you will not be anxious. Before the test, do a quick review of everything that you have been reviewing.
Another important aspect of performing well on the exam is to ask your professor questions about information that you do not understand or seems too complex. If you are a student who often gets stressed out before a test, you may also be too shy to ask questions. Don't be! Even if you must go to the teacher after class hours, it is vital that the information is understood so you won't worry and stress out before the test.
Make sure you keep organized so the exam does not sneak up on you. Keep a list of important dates for when papers or exams are due. By staying on track and organized, the student does not have to worry about missing essential deadlines for classes. Also, find healthy ways to relieve stress such as going for a walk or run. Exercise is a great method to deal with anxiety and it can relax the student prior to taking the test. Eating a well-balanced meal and a multivitamin before going to class can do wonders for a students concentration and performance ability. Meditation has worked for many college students as a means of releasing negative energy and replacing it with the confidence and focus needed to succeed on examinations.
Talking to the universities guidance counselor can be beneficial in calming an anxious student. Take a few deep breathes before the test is handed out and realize that every student is just as anxious and nervous about the test as the next student. Visualize a time in the past where you performed well on a test, and remind yourself that you always do better than you think you do.
Another piece of advice that works for a lot of college freshman is listening to music before taking a test that they have been stressing over all week. This will calm them down and allow them to focus on their goal. It is important to study and prepare many days in advance so that the brain has enough time to absorb all the new material that is being taught at college.
Finally, a key factor in exam and test performance is having a positive attitude. Visualize yourself doing well on the test and how relieved and excited you will be to have gotten a good grade. In college, exam performance reflects how hard you worked. You must earn your grade. Studying a few hours the night before a test will not work in college. Exams cover a lot of information and most of the questions can be detailed or accumulative so make sure you understand what is expected of a college student. Keep in mind you are learning this knowledge to better yourself at whatever job or career you choose!
If you follow College Cranium's advice you will certainly be relaxed and perform to higher expectations by avoiding pre-exam anxiety. However, just remember to always study in advance and be a prepared and organized student.


  1. Those are some excellent advices, I am glad I found your blog while browsing, thank you for putting your time into helping students who aim for the University with tips and suggestions!

  2. Great advice. I sometimes have stress myself and will keep this in mind :)

  3. I never take stress from exams. Failing is not the end of the world. Thanks for the tips!

  4. I wish You luck mate!

  5. In High School I studied like 4 hours the day before the exam, and I got good grades, now I study one week before the exam and I barely pass!

  6. I know that feeling bro..
    But then i found weed..

  7. i know that feeling! what i do nowadays is to have a good night of sleep the night before the exam! it helps a lot. you guys should try it out!

  8. buble gum helps a lot specially if u smoke

  9. And remember - this is another of the many exams that were, and what will... !

  10. As a freshman and a student overall, i tend to be very calm, but those are some very good advices

  11. Thanks for the good advise
