Outdoor Exercise Survey Questionnaire
This is a survey being done by your student government association. Please answer each question.
1. Do you exercise regularly?
____ Yes (1) ____ No (2) (If no, please skip to question #9)
2. About how many hours do you exercise in an average week? _______
3. About how many days per week do you typically exercise? _______
4. On a typical Saturday, do you exercise mainly . . . (check only one).
___ In the morning (1)
___ In the afternoon (2)
___ In the evening (3)
___ Throughout the day (4)
___ Usually don't exercise (5)
5. According to your preferences, please rate the following types of activities on a scale of 1 to 7; with 7 being "Like Very Much" and 1 being "Do Not Like At All."
Do Not Like Like Very
At All Much
a. Playing golf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b. Walking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c. Dancing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d. Skating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e. Swimming 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f. Playing basketball 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g. Playing tennis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
h. Playing volleyball 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
k. Running / Jogging 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Using the following scale, please indicate to what extent you typically exercise at the following locations.
Not Quite
At All Occasionally Often Often Always
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
a. Intramural center ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
b. Home ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
c. Health club ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
7. Select the one reason below which best describes why you exercise (check only one).
___ I enjoy it. It makes me feel good. (1)
___ I want to lose weight. (2)
___ I exercise with friends. (3)
___ I have to exercise. I don’t have a choice. (4)
8. What is your classification?
___ Freshman (1)
___ Sophomore (2)
___ Junior (3)
___ Senior (4)
___ Other (5)
9. For how many hours are you currently enrolled at the university? _______
10. For approximately how many hours a week do you work?
___ Do not work (1)
___ Less than 10 (2)
___ 10-15 (3)
___ 16-25 (4)
___ 26-40 (5)
___ More than 40 (6)
11. Do you belong to a social fraternity or sorority?
___ Yes (1)
___ No (2)
12. What is your GPA? _____
13. What is your gender?
___ Male (1)
___ Female (2)
14. What is your age? _____
15. Where do you live? (Check only one)
___ At home with parents (1)
___ In a rented apartment or house (2)
___ In a dorm (3)
___ In a fraternity/sorority house (4)
___ Somewhere else (5)
Thanks for your help in the survey.
Marketing 482 - Final Take Home Exam Name:________________________
Using the data set provided and the Exercise survey (exercise.sav), answer the following questions using SPSS. For each question, submit the following:
A statement identifying the statistical analysis technique used
A reason why you chose the particular analysis (Hint: reason for test and measurement)
An interpretation of the findings
Printouts of the SPSS output
For the purposes of this exam, use a 95% confidence interval for all statistical tests and computations. You may want to begin by familiarizing yourself with the questionnaire and by identifying the level of measurement (i.e., type of scale) used for each question. Keep in mind that the type of measurement will determine the type of analysis that is appropriate.
What is the demographic profile of the sample? Include sex, age, student classification, enrollment status, job status, and type of residence.
Estimate the population parameters for the following:
How many hours per week do students exercise?
How many days per week do students exercise?
Among those students who exercise, what types of activities are preferred?
Test these hypotheses.
Seventy-five percent (75%) of students exercise regularly
Students will “like very much” to play golf, dance and skate.
Is there a difference between the various reasons students choose to exercise in:
How many hours he/she exercises in an average week?
How many days per week he/she exercises?
Is there a difference in the frequency of where students choose to exercise? (i.e., is there a difference between students choosing to exercise at the Intramural center compared to Home? Is there a difference between Home and a Health Club? Is there a difference between the Intramural center and a Health club?)
Is students’ reason for exercising related to:
Greek Status?
Location of Residence?
Is there a difference between males and females in the number of hours they exercise in an average week? Is there a difference between greeks and non-greeks in the number of days per week that they exercise?
Are students’ preferences for various activities related?
Can you predict how many hours per week a student exercises based on their preference for enjoying to run or jog? What is the confidence interval for students who “like very much” to run or jog?
Can you predict how many days per week students will exercise based on how many hours in an average week that they exercise? What is the confidence interval for students who exercise 3 hours per week?