Leaving home for extended periods of time can make anyone miss their old home and family. Leaving for college means leaving old friends and habits and loneliness is a common feeling for freshman who are not used to being away from home. In college, breaks may not allow the students to return home for months at a time. Living in a college town can help, however, for students who have decided to go to school out of state, finding a way home can be difficult. Freshman may wonder, "How can I avoid being Homesick?" or "What to do if homesick?" and there are many choices and solutions for the student. The following blog post explains to students that being homesick happens to everyone and is especially common in college. Missing home is common because of the overwhelming change and sense of uncertainty that many freshman face. Fear and anxiety over the unknown next year of school is a reasonable cause of stress that can combine with loneliness and homesickness to create the perfect storm and a gloomy student. College Cranium is here for advice! There are solutions and steps to take when you begin to miss mommy and daddy. Put on your favorite song or start reading a book. If those two don't solve it try a video call to avoid separation anxiety and longing for home try meeting other students or get a head start on your classes and help ease the work load. The freshman year of college is a stage of much adjustment and homesickness is not uncommon or even abnormal.
College Cranium offers advice for the freshman student who is homesick. The following solutions to homesickness have been tested and verified as accurate and effective ways of dealing with separation anxiety.
Stay busy or find something to do. Just taking your mind off of the upcoming challenges you will face as a student is an excellent way to deal with the loneliness and overwhelming sensation that can overtake a new student. An even better use of your time would be to meet new people which can help with loneliness.
Don't worry about being homesickness, realize that being homesick is normal. Everybody around you is going through/ or have already gone through the same feelings you are experiencing. It would actually be abnormal if you didn't miss the home or the parents.
Meet your roommate. Chances are that as a freshman you're going to be sharing living space with a roommate, so if you don't already know each other, get to know your roommate and Residential Adviser or Resident Assistant because chances are they have both experienced homesickness and have figured out ways of dealing with nostalgia. Even if your roommate is the Big Man on campus, he can still be a good person to talk to as opposed to doing nothing. Unpack all your things and settle into the new place where you will be staying while you attend college. Decorate your room and organize your belongings because once classes start your mind will quickly find other issues to preoccupy itself with.
In this modern day it is relatively easy to stay in touch via electronic communication. With video calls you can figure out ways to see your loved ones and those you miss from any distance.
Ultimately, the college freshman needs to give the brain time to adjust and settle into a different routine and strange environment. After a few classes and making a few friends, you will realize that longing for home and old faces is just another aspect to life that is controllable and doesn't have to have a negative impact.
Independence gets easier over time and eventually your parents may be calling you to get in contact. Keeping close ties with family is an important lesson to remember once you overcome and conquer your homesickness. Missing home and wanting to see loved ones is a normal part of growing up and one of the less fun experiences of college but it is essential to maturing into an independent and responsible adult.
There are of course the exceptions- those students who jump right into the swing of things and never seem to miss home. Even then, be assured they too experience moments of missing their old environment and loved ones. Feel lucky to have loved ones to care about and realize their are international students who have family much further away. Getting overwhelmed by the shear immensity of the student body is understandable. Don't let getting nostalgic stop you from performing up to your potential in college.
"Don't Plagiarism" -College Cranium
College Cranium has some advice to offer! With the growing amount of data and information on the internet, the world wide web has become a source for vast amounts of important sources for students to use to write papers and conduct research. However, plagiarism is a diminishing problem in universities. Why is plagiarizing becoming less common? A better question to ask would be "How can I avoid getting caught plagiarizing?" because present-day technology makes catching plagiarism easier than ever. With sites such as turnitin.com , papers that are submitted digitally are run through a system of literally thousands of other papers, essays, books, and websites. Similar sites can then show the percentage of copied material, the amount of original content, and from where the plagiarized information came from. This is why citing your sources is so important. Make sure to learn how to properly quote and how to write a proper 'works cited' page so that you can avoid being accused of intellectual property theft.
Students may not have a choice when it comes to submitting there own content to sites such as turnitin.com which can hold on to your paper, 100% original content, for up to twenty years. It makes College Cranium question where the actual theft of intellectual and creative property is occurring.
To avoid plagiarizing make sure you give yourself adequate time to meet the scheduled deadline. Waiting until the last minute to write a paper is a bad idea and makes plagiarizing even more tempting. Writing skills are such an important talent to pick up and learn in college that in long run, even if you avoid getting caught, you're the only one who is going to pay. Proper communication is essential in the business world even if your job is more oriented on numbers or engineering.
Submitting the work of someone else as your own can have major consequences if you are caught. The teacher will usually automatically give that paper a '0' as a grade, which, depending on the weight of the paper, may instantly fail you for that class. The university can then expel, suspend, or press legal charges on you as a result of your dishonesty, lack of integrity, and literary piracy.
With growing tools for professors to identify plagiarism it's important for students to recognize the types of plagiarism and the ways to avoid accusation of being a literary thief. Colleges and universities take plagiarism very seriously because it is important to respect copyrights and their impact on protecting writers intellectual property. When students copy another students paper, it's easy for the professor to identify. However, when students have the internet and a massive amount of text available to them, the originality of their research can be difficult to verify. This is why online sites that check for plagiarism are becoming widespread. Their impact has decreased students copying other sources without proper citation and references.
Their is no such thing as 'borrowing' the work of another scholar or colleague and submitting it as your own. If a student decides to risk this short cut they can suffer consequences in the short term and the long term. With the growing popularity of sites that check for plagiarism there is also a growing impact of websites that will write a paper for a price.
Websites such as flashpaper, charge students money in return for an original paper worthy of college submission. These can be hard to identify because of the source, however, when a student is writing a paper that is more advanced than the talent they have previously demonstrated, a good teacher should be suspicious of plagiarism and investigate further. Teachers realize that only a certain amount of information can be written on a common subject such as a Shakespeare poem, however, the exact words, ideas, expressions and arrangement of those words, ideas, and expressions will have infinite variations.
The ethical argument of having another person write a paper for another party to submit can usually be black and white. However, when star athletes need to pass a class so they can lead their team to victory a grey area begins to show in both the professors acceptance of the paper and the financial beneficiary of the student-athlete. Another grey area is where the line of "common knowledge" becomes necessary to cite. Everyone knows that brushing your teeth or studying for a test is essential but not everyone may know the exact function of a space shuttle.
Just ask your teacher for an extension or turn in a failing paper instead of plagiarizing. The advantages are tremendous and should not be taken lightly. Writing and researching your own report is a vital trade learned in college and not one that can be bought off. Never plagiarize and be sure to properly cite all your sources, these sources are deserving of your recognition because you did not spend the time and effort digging up those facts yourself.
Never plagiarize because there are websites and precautions that professors have taken to catch those who try and take immoral shortcuts. Start the paper early, ask for an extension, or stay up all night and hand in the best you could come up with, because in the end it is the right thing to do.
Students may not have a choice when it comes to submitting there own content to sites such as turnitin.com which can hold on to your paper, 100% original content, for up to twenty years. It makes College Cranium question where the actual theft of intellectual and creative property is occurring.
To avoid plagiarizing make sure you give yourself adequate time to meet the scheduled deadline. Waiting until the last minute to write a paper is a bad idea and makes plagiarizing even more tempting. Writing skills are such an important talent to pick up and learn in college that in long run, even if you avoid getting caught, you're the only one who is going to pay. Proper communication is essential in the business world even if your job is more oriented on numbers or engineering.
Submitting the work of someone else as your own can have major consequences if you are caught. The teacher will usually automatically give that paper a '0' as a grade, which, depending on the weight of the paper, may instantly fail you for that class. The university can then expel, suspend, or press legal charges on you as a result of your dishonesty, lack of integrity, and literary piracy.
With growing tools for professors to identify plagiarism it's important for students to recognize the types of plagiarism and the ways to avoid accusation of being a literary thief. Colleges and universities take plagiarism very seriously because it is important to respect copyrights and their impact on protecting writers intellectual property. When students copy another students paper, it's easy for the professor to identify. However, when students have the internet and a massive amount of text available to them, the originality of their research can be difficult to verify. This is why online sites that check for plagiarism are becoming widespread. Their impact has decreased students copying other sources without proper citation and references.
Their is no such thing as 'borrowing' the work of another scholar or colleague and submitting it as your own. If a student decides to risk this short cut they can suffer consequences in the short term and the long term. With the growing popularity of sites that check for plagiarism there is also a growing impact of websites that will write a paper for a price.
Websites such as flashpaper, charge students money in return for an original paper worthy of college submission. These can be hard to identify because of the source, however, when a student is writing a paper that is more advanced than the talent they have previously demonstrated, a good teacher should be suspicious of plagiarism and investigate further. Teachers realize that only a certain amount of information can be written on a common subject such as a Shakespeare poem, however, the exact words, ideas, expressions and arrangement of those words, ideas, and expressions will have infinite variations.
The ethical argument of having another person write a paper for another party to submit can usually be black and white. However, when star athletes need to pass a class so they can lead their team to victory a grey area begins to show in both the professors acceptance of the paper and the financial beneficiary of the student-athlete. Another grey area is where the line of "common knowledge" becomes necessary to cite. Everyone knows that brushing your teeth or studying for a test is essential but not everyone may know the exact function of a space shuttle.
Just ask your teacher for an extension or turn in a failing paper instead of plagiarizing. The advantages are tremendous and should not be taken lightly. Writing and researching your own report is a vital trade learned in college and not one that can be bought off. Never plagiarize and be sure to properly cite all your sources, these sources are deserving of your recognition because you did not spend the time and effort digging up those facts yourself.
Never plagiarize because there are websites and precautions that professors have taken to catch those who try and take immoral shortcuts. Start the paper early, ask for an extension, or stay up all night and hand in the best you could come up with, because in the end it is the right thing to do.
Read books!
In any city, including college towns, there will be a public library. If you didn't enjoy reading as a kid or grew up enjoying adventure novels, than college is the time to start. If your campus doesn't have a library, there are public libraries that offer the same services.
Reading is enjoyable and also has many benefits. It will help with writing and reading comprehension. Curling up with a good book at the end of a long day is a great way to relax and become captivated into another world. Books have been around since man began to learn written communication. Books where originally for the very wealthy and upper class because they had to be hand written, often times by monks. Once the printing press was invented though, the common man could learn to read and appreciate books.
Libraries are a great place to study and absorb new information which is what the ambitious college student has as a goal. Simply read the back of the book or inside the cover to get a brief summary of what the story is about. Fiction means that the events are not true and non-fiction means that the information inside the book is true and there is a lot you can learn from both. Non-fiction books teach many trades and skills while fictional stories leave the reader to interpret the symbols and metaphors personally and apply the knowledge to their life.
Books, physical paper printed books, are going out of style with the technological era approaching and everyone using iPads or Kindles for their library. This is scary to think that iTunes may have the ability to control what books and information the public has access to. This was the cause of many wars throughout history because so much knowledge is stored in these books that they give the common man and the middle class much power. Think of the Bible if you cannot come up with any examples of how powerful and influential books and the written word have been throughout history.
As a college student reading will help writing essays and reports easier because it will improve your vocabulary. Professors can easily recognize students in their class who are readers and those who prefer to watch the Jersey Shore or other quality material on television.
Reading is enjoyable and also has many benefits. It will help with writing and reading comprehension. Curling up with a good book at the end of a long day is a great way to relax and become captivated into another world. Books have been around since man began to learn written communication. Books where originally for the very wealthy and upper class because they had to be hand written, often times by monks. Once the printing press was invented though, the common man could learn to read and appreciate books.
'Nothing is larger than books... Nothing' |
Libraries are a great place to study and absorb new information which is what the ambitious college student has as a goal. Simply read the back of the book or inside the cover to get a brief summary of what the story is about. Fiction means that the events are not true and non-fiction means that the information inside the book is true and there is a lot you can learn from both. Non-fiction books teach many trades and skills while fictional stories leave the reader to interpret the symbols and metaphors personally and apply the knowledge to their life.
Books, physical paper printed books, are going out of style with the technological era approaching and everyone using iPads or Kindles for their library. This is scary to think that iTunes may have the ability to control what books and information the public has access to. This was the cause of many wars throughout history because so much knowledge is stored in these books that they give the common man and the middle class much power. Think of the Bible if you cannot come up with any examples of how powerful and influential books and the written word have been throughout history.
As a college student reading will help writing essays and reports easier because it will improve your vocabulary. Professors can easily recognize students in their class who are readers and those who prefer to watch the Jersey Shore or other quality material on television.
Freshman Fifteen: College Cranium explains
The freshman fifteen is the 'phenomenon' where as a freshman, due to an unhealthy diet, fifteen pounds is gained. The unhealthy diet stems from the fact that parents are not cooking (usually healthy) for their children and also the students guardian isn't watching over their shoulder to make sure they eat right. Another reason this can happen is because unhealthy foods are so much more expensive than unhealthy foods. Isn't that ironic? The financially rich eat exponetially healthier than the poor and are in better health and shape simply because they can afford what they ingest. A McDonald's cheeseburger is only a dollar, that includes onions, cheese, and two 'patties' while a head of fresh lettuce is 5x as expensive.
A common cause of the freshman fifteen would be a sedimentary lifestyle brought on by hours spent sitting down instead of exercising. However, being a freshman once I found that I was walking more than I had ever done in my life. I actually lost weight as a freshman and had to readjust how I was spending my money so that I could actually focus more on my diet and remaining healthy enough to function in class.
Another aspect that contributes to the freshman fifteen is stress. Especially in females, stress lowers the body's metabolism rate and can cause unwanted weight gain. However, with proper excersise (Yes this includes walking to class!) stress can easily be dealt with. Living on a medium sixed campus with parking allowed only for the early birds and teachers, walking or riding a bike was the perfect way to get to class on time.
Since the freshman fifteen has even made ABC News more students are aware of this more than ever. The easiest way to solve the freshman fifteen is to purchase a cheap scale. Once you see you weight rising, [five pounds or more] it's time to change your lifestyle and diet. Simple changes such as walking to class or eating healthier are all that is needed to make dramatic changes to the impending freshman fifteen.
The reason most students don't find themselves affected by the freshman fifteen is because with money being so tight they aren't able to eat as much. Whether the food is healthy or not, eating less is not going to cause any weight gain.
CollegeCranium is outraged that students have to give up healthy foods and sacrifice a beneficial diet full of vitamins to simply pay bills. This is often offset by having on-campus cafeterias and dining services who offer healthy alternatives. On-campus dinning is often included in the tuition to many universities such as Louisiana Tech and this is a great start to combat unhealthy diets.
The Freshman Fifteen is outdated
In present day, CollegeCranium argues that the idea that freshman gain fifteen pounds their first year is too old of a phrase to be used. For starters, college students often have a cornucopia of excess costs and expenses that they need to cover and food is often not one of them. Mom and dad are not cooking for them anymore and their pantries are stocked full of nutrients like they were able to enjoy back home. Ask any student nowadays and they will tell you one of the benefits of going home is that they get to eat more!A common cause of the freshman fifteen would be a sedimentary lifestyle brought on by hours spent sitting down instead of exercising. However, being a freshman once I found that I was walking more than I had ever done in my life. I actually lost weight as a freshman and had to readjust how I was spending my money so that I could actually focus more on my diet and remaining healthy enough to function in class.
Another aspect that contributes to the freshman fifteen is stress. Especially in females, stress lowers the body's metabolism rate and can cause unwanted weight gain. However, with proper excersise (Yes this includes walking to class!) stress can easily be dealt with. Living on a medium sixed campus with parking allowed only for the early birds and teachers, walking or riding a bike was the perfect way to get to class on time.
Since the freshman fifteen has even made ABC News more students are aware of this more than ever. The easiest way to solve the freshman fifteen is to purchase a cheap scale. Once you see you weight rising, [five pounds or more] it's time to change your lifestyle and diet. Simple changes such as walking to class or eating healthier are all that is needed to make dramatic changes to the impending freshman fifteen.
The reason most students don't find themselves affected by the freshman fifteen is because with money being so tight they aren't able to eat as much. Whether the food is healthy or not, eating less is not going to cause any weight gain.
CollegeCranium is outraged that students have to give up healthy foods and sacrifice a beneficial diet full of vitamins to simply pay bills. This is often offset by having on-campus cafeterias and dining services who offer healthy alternatives. On-campus dinning is often included in the tuition to many universities such as Louisiana Tech and this is a great start to combat unhealthy diets.
Summer in a College Town
Summer time in a college town is a wonderful time to be a 'student,' while not technically in school. Not taking classes or studying during the peaceful sunny days of summer is a wonderful change from the normal school year. Unlike the fall through spring school year, summer can be relaxing and enjoyable. It is a time to catch up on sleep and also socialize and party with friends. College towns get quiet during the summer because many of the students have gone back home.
However, in the South, most college students tend to stay in the city of their college and choose not to go back home and live with their parents over the summer. This can be attributed to many reasons, specifically the freedom and independence that college offers young adults. Employment opportunities for college students who stay in town offer excellent chances to improve your business experience and add skills and references to your resume. College towns always have bars and those bars are common spots to find the socialites and alcohol-consumers over the summer.
However, summer is a great time to meet new friends. Lounging by the pool on a hot day or reading a magazine on the front steps of an apartment are prime openings for socializing and meeting interesting people.
Summer for the university student is unlike his experience in high school. Summer is a chance to find a hobby or other form of entertainment that students enjoy spending their time practicing and perfecting.
Students find ways to beat the summer heat in many ways. The waters from local beaches quickly fill up with those looking to cool off. Pools also become populated with girls tanning the body's that they worked all winter toning up, exercising, and dieting for. Ice Cream stands and- in the south- 'Snowball' or Shaved Ice Stands, become crowded with people enjoying the satisfaction of a cold treat on a hot and lazy day. Books, classes, homework, and grades are the last thing on the minds of the young adults who are dreading the beginning of classes. The start of school is inevitable and all good things must come to an end, but the college student will definitely make the best out of it during the summer. Boredom does not seem to exist because there will always be something to do and some friends to spend time with. Chilling and relaxing over the summer is a lot of fun, but it is not something that can be appreciated as much everyday of the year.
Just because a college is not in session, there is still an atmosphere that is unique and easily recognized. Most teachers are local and can be found at the local supermarket on a random summers' day. College towns are unlike anywhere else in the country because they are something which every educated American has experienced at one point in his or her lifetime.
The importance of taking a break from the non-stop stress and demands of the school year cannot be ignored. The summer break is the ideal time to enjoy less stress and relax without the worries of upcoming exams or homework. The laid-back atmosphere of a college town in summer is fantastic.
However, in the South, most college students tend to stay in the city of their college and choose not to go back home and live with their parents over the summer. This can be attributed to many reasons, specifically the freedom and independence that college offers young adults. Employment opportunities for college students who stay in town offer excellent chances to improve your business experience and add skills and references to your resume. College towns always have bars and those bars are common spots to find the socialites and alcohol-consumers over the summer.
However, summer is a great time to meet new friends. Lounging by the pool on a hot day or reading a magazine on the front steps of an apartment are prime openings for socializing and meeting interesting people.
Summer for the university student is unlike his experience in high school. Summer is a chance to find a hobby or other form of entertainment that students enjoy spending their time practicing and perfecting.
Students find ways to beat the summer heat in many ways. The waters from local beaches quickly fill up with those looking to cool off. Pools also become populated with girls tanning the body's that they worked all winter toning up, exercising, and dieting for. Ice Cream stands and- in the south- 'Snowball' or Shaved Ice Stands, become crowded with people enjoying the satisfaction of a cold treat on a hot and lazy day. Books, classes, homework, and grades are the last thing on the minds of the young adults who are dreading the beginning of classes. The start of school is inevitable and all good things must come to an end, but the college student will definitely make the best out of it during the summer. Boredom does not seem to exist because there will always be something to do and some friends to spend time with. Chilling and relaxing over the summer is a lot of fun, but it is not something that can be appreciated as much everyday of the year.
Just because a college is not in session, there is still an atmosphere that is unique and easily recognized. Most teachers are local and can be found at the local supermarket on a random summers' day. College towns are unlike anywhere else in the country because they are something which every educated American has experienced at one point in his or her lifetime.
The importance of taking a break from the non-stop stress and demands of the school year cannot be ignored. The summer break is the ideal time to enjoy less stress and relax without the worries of upcoming exams or homework. The laid-back atmosphere of a college town in summer is fantastic.
Earning Money in College via Plasma or Part-Time work
There are many ways to earn money in college and students are always on the look for opportunities to give them spending money. Most college students are broke and with a heavy course load and lots of studying there is often little time for a job. Another reason students often have empty wallets, even those who manage their money closely, is because employers are usually interested in employees who have college degrees. Twenty years ago a high school diploma was enough to land most people a job, but in today's competitive market, a college degree is usually a minimum requirement.
College students are notoriously broke because they are still getting used to balancing their budgets and making sure the money being spent is a necessity and not a want. Learning to balance your finances is an added benefit of college, and is an important lesson to learn in life. When considering if college is right for you or not, make sure to understand the vast amount of experience which is acquired as a student. College is not just textbook knowledge and memorizing definitions, just as a career won't include the same problems and situations everyday. College is a great time to learn flexibility and time management as a young adult. Learning that success is directly related to the amount of effort that is dedicated to the problem is an essential aspect of maturing.
College students will always find creative ways to make a dollar while they await their degree that will launch them into a career which will earn a much higher income. Speaking with an old friend who I studied with, he laughed at all the ridiculous ways he cut corner to save a dollar or two, and realizes that he would never do anything like that now that he has a steady income and has found work that he enjoys. This friend cut corners by doing laundry once a month (because without a washer or dryer is can cost up to four dollars per load of laundry!). He also was known for living off of Ramen noodles, which are cheap but filling; however, ramen noodles lack nutrition and are not part of a healthy or balanced diet.
Donating Plasma in College
Many people have already realized the benefits that donating plasma can have on their wallet. If you are able to pass the tests given, such as protein count, HIV/AIDS background check, and white blood cell count, then giving plasma is a great way to earn extra income while at the same time helping to save someone's life. The plasma that is donated is given to those suffering from medical illnesses such as hemophilia. Donating, or rather selling, plasma is a quick way to earn some extra money for gas or food. The sad truth is that most people would not be in the plasma center getting the plasma removed from their blood if there was not a financial reward. Donating plasma is fast, easy, and can be a great way for money. The only negative side effects usually include dizziness, fatigue, and unsightly/ unattractive marks left over from the needle. Plasma donors have few responsibilities for keeping their weekly plasma money other than staying hydrated by drinking lots of water and by not participating is AIDS risky behavior.The best part-time jobs for a student
A good part-time job can be a great way to multitask in college. It allows the student to study and pursue his degree while at the same time earning income on the side. A good part-time job will give the student enough energy to lead a busy life and also earn enough money to make it worth the time and effort. Part-time jobs are hard to come by because employers prefer someone who is very flexible with their hours in case unforeseen circumstances arise at the workplace. However, a class schedule is not flexible and missing class is a decision that should be made in the worst case scenario. Missing a day of class once or twice for work can quickly be made up for and is not something to worry about because it can be easy to catch up on the work. However, on days of tests or when assignments are due, a change in your work schedule would be an unfortunate situation and one where you may want to speak with the manager, especially if your priorities include graduating with a high grade point average.College students are notoriously broke because they are still getting used to balancing their budgets and making sure the money being spent is a necessity and not a want. Learning to balance your finances is an added benefit of college, and is an important lesson to learn in life. When considering if college is right for you or not, make sure to understand the vast amount of experience which is acquired as a student. College is not just textbook knowledge and memorizing definitions, just as a career won't include the same problems and situations everyday. College is a great time to learn flexibility and time management as a young adult. Learning that success is directly related to the amount of effort that is dedicated to the problem is an essential aspect of maturing.
College students will always find creative ways to make a dollar while they await their degree that will launch them into a career which will earn a much higher income. Speaking with an old friend who I studied with, he laughed at all the ridiculous ways he cut corner to save a dollar or two, and realizes that he would never do anything like that now that he has a steady income and has found work that he enjoys. This friend cut corners by doing laundry once a month (because without a washer or dryer is can cost up to four dollars per load of laundry!). He also was known for living off of Ramen noodles, which are cheap but filling; however, ramen noodles lack nutrition and are not part of a healthy or balanced diet.
New York University Newspaper
New York University has one of largest student housing programs in the United States with over 20 housing units for students. Located in New York, the campus and housing property is rich in culture and scenery. I had an opportunity to visit the campus recently and was impressed by the large statues and beautiful campus.
On my first visit to NYU I found a newspaper called "Washington Square News" sitting on an empty bench. The newspaper is published daily to the students. NYU has many forms of news media including their daily blog, a comedy magazine titled: The Plague, as well as a couple of scholarly publications written by students known as The Minetta Review and Washington Square Review.
As I was reading the paper a student stopped by and asked if I realized the talent it took to publish the WSN. He informed me that he was a writer for the paper and that the WSN was independent from the university. This means that all the advertisements went to cover the price of publishing and printing their school's news. Many notable writers and broadcasters used to write for the the Washington Square News, a newspaper that first began in 1973. The writer was very enthusiastic about his sections in the news and he was easy to get along with. When we said our good-byes I realized that he was very mature and intelligent for his age. New York will do this to young freshman, it will make them more confident and give them to the courage to excel in their work.
The school spirit is vibrant at NYU and the students come together for traditions and socializing. Because of the location of the school, many feel it is not a 'college town' however, many celebrities have been spotted by students, as both the colleague and the famous go about their daily routines.
Student organizations are a huge part of NYU and students also enjoy the traditions that have been celebrated since the schools founding such as 'midnight breakfast', the violet ball, and Apple Fest. The greek life at NYU is diverse and enjoyable. It began with Psi Upsilon in 1837 and many other fraternities and sororities have joined since then.
Motto: To persevere and to excel
Founded: 1831
Ivy League: No
Campus: New York City, NY
School Newspaper: Washington Square News
School Colors: White, Violet
On my first visit to NYU I found a newspaper called "Washington Square News" sitting on an empty bench. The newspaper is published daily to the students. NYU has many forms of news media including their daily blog, a comedy magazine titled: The Plague, as well as a couple of scholarly publications written by students known as The Minetta Review and Washington Square Review.
As I was reading the paper a student stopped by and asked if I realized the talent it took to publish the WSN. He informed me that he was a writer for the paper and that the WSN was independent from the university. This means that all the advertisements went to cover the price of publishing and printing their school's news. Many notable writers and broadcasters used to write for the the Washington Square News, a newspaper that first began in 1973. The writer was very enthusiastic about his sections in the news and he was easy to get along with. When we said our good-byes I realized that he was very mature and intelligent for his age. New York will do this to young freshman, it will make them more confident and give them to the courage to excel in their work.
The school spirit is vibrant at NYU and the students come together for traditions and socializing. Because of the location of the school, many feel it is not a 'college town' however, many celebrities have been spotted by students, as both the colleague and the famous go about their daily routines.
Student organizations are a huge part of NYU and students also enjoy the traditions that have been celebrated since the schools founding such as 'midnight breakfast', the violet ball, and Apple Fest. The greek life at NYU is diverse and enjoyable. It began with Psi Upsilon in 1837 and many other fraternities and sororities have joined since then.
Motto: To persevere and to excel
Founded: 1831
Ivy League: No
Campus: New York City, NY
School Newspaper: Washington Square News
School Colors: White, Violet
Student Loans: What to know by July 1
As a college student there will be many opportunities to participate in various student loans. In college, many decisions often boil down to money. While loans may seem like a great idea for a poor student, there are considerable factors to realize. First and foremost, the money is not "free" and the loanee will be expected to pay all of the loan plus the interest. Now, even though the interest rates for your loans are set at the beginning of July, your college usually is aware of them earlier, so speak with to the Financial Aid department towards the end of JUne and seeing if lower rates are available, because rates have a tendency to increase.
Should you consolidate your student loan?
Consolidating your loans makes all your loans grouped together usually in multiple monthly payments. Deciding for a s tudent loan consolidation is dificult so make sure to read everything on the brochure or website before signing up for any program. The interest rates may be too high due to your credit history (or complete lack of credit history) and the loan may be offering huge interest rates. Having a parent with a good history co-sign the loan is a perfect way to lower its interest.
A adviser for studnet loands is often found on campus in the financial aid office to help students avoid being in debt for years afer graduation and to help students choose a loan if its what they need.
Realize that consolidating your student loans will help you stay organized by keeping all the debt in single payments. Mke sure to know that eventually the money will have to be paid along with thee accrued interest, so make sure that your education will land a solid paying job prior to graduation. Also, don't assume that the borrowed money will somehow "appear" and spend frivolously, there are graduates who spend decades after school paying off their loans.
I'm still in high school, what can I do to improve my financial situation?
You are in luck! There are many scholarship programs offered to the student who wants to further his education. Study and practice for the SAT or ACT or whatever achievement test the college of your choice is using to decide acceptance. Also, find extracurricular activities to show time management and team-work skills. Colleges prefer students who distinguish themselves.
Senind a child to college is a financial burder on the parents. Try and find part-time work as well as scholarships and loans to lower the cost of tuition. A college education is necessary to find a career, so make sure to spend the time and money in the present, so the future payoff will be worth it. There are also many opportunities for your local state colleges (in the same state you graduated high school) that offer other government and local scholarships to help with financial assistance.
Should you consolidate your student loan?
Consolidating your loans makes all your loans grouped together usually in multiple monthly payments. Deciding for a s tudent loan consolidation is dificult so make sure to read everything on the brochure or website before signing up for any program. The interest rates may be too high due to your credit history (or complete lack of credit history) and the loan may be offering huge interest rates. Having a parent with a good history co-sign the loan is a perfect way to lower its interest.
A adviser for studnet loands is often found on campus in the financial aid office to help students avoid being in debt for years afer graduation and to help students choose a loan if its what they need.
Realize that consolidating your student loans will help you stay organized by keeping all the debt in single payments. Mke sure to know that eventually the money will have to be paid along with thee accrued interest, so make sure that your education will land a solid paying job prior to graduation. Also, don't assume that the borrowed money will somehow "appear" and spend frivolously, there are graduates who spend decades after school paying off their loans.
I'm still in high school, what can I do to improve my financial situation?
You are in luck! There are many scholarship programs offered to the student who wants to further his education. Study and practice for the SAT or ACT or whatever achievement test the college of your choice is using to decide acceptance. Also, find extracurricular activities to show time management and team-work skills. Colleges prefer students who distinguish themselves.
Senind a child to college is a financial burder on the parents. Try and find part-time work as well as scholarships and loans to lower the cost of tuition. A college education is necessary to find a career, so make sure to spend the time and money in the present, so the future payoff will be worth it. There are also many opportunities for your local state colleges (in the same state you graduated high school) that offer other government and local scholarships to help with financial assistance.
Sleep, Grades, or Social Life: Choose two
Yoda is very wise. |
You can choose to get plenty of sleep. You can dedicate your time towards making good grades, or option three is you can choose to participate in a wild and awesome social life. All three are necessary components of the college experience and one way or another, the student will realize the importance of time management. Some catch on easier than others, it may only take them a month of sleep deprivation and failing grades to get their priorities straight, for other classmates it may take years of being in and out of enrollment for them to figure out what they want. Too much of a good thing is an accurate expression, and after months of sleeping in and partying many realize they have too much potential and are tired of watching their peers pass them by in life.
Getting plenty of sleep is a necessity of life. Waking up refreshed with a clear mind and full of energy is a wonderful start to a productive day. However, as the freshman quickly learns, time spent awake is often a balancing act in regards to energy and productivity. Sleep is the first of the three responsibilities to go, before grades or social life. Ironically, once asleep it may take priority over school or social life. So get used to setting that alarm an hour or so early, and begin to hate the snooze button as much as the rest of the world. Biologically, without sleep the brain cannot function and lack of sleep can ultimately be lethal. It's obviously very important to keep a healthy sleep schedule which is easier said than done.
Next is the students' requirement to make good grades and keep a solid academic standing. Known on the streets as an "all-nighter," intense periods of studying before the test, known by the users as "cramming" can often have significantly positive results. When you need to study for a test, staying up all night to study is certainly a common decision. The only problem is that the knowledge gained in the short period of studying is stored in the short term memory, making cumulative exams a challenge. Cramming also is a way to fall behind in class participation because the student will expect to simply learn everything the night or even morning before. Researchers have found that a good sleep before an important test is necessary for your brain to process, absorb, and store the newly learned information.
Students will also find that staying out into the early morning and then expecting themselves to be awake with only three or four hours of sleep to start the day is very difficult. Dreading waking up for an improperly prepared test is an easy way to be absent or perform poorly. I recommend getting at least eight hours of sleep the night before and important class or exam. Without making good grades, or showing up for classes, why are you even at college? Wouldn't it make sense to just avoid the stress by staying at home -though you would lose your independence- and not waste your time or money- if you are going to decide to sleep and party? Academics is the primary reason you are attending college, so make sure that you recognize its importance and a necessary goal for accomplishment.
The one responsibility that parents believe is the easiest to control is the aspect of the students social life. Parents, though not as naive as many think, realize that saying going to a party is often less beneficial than doing homework. This is the age old battle and you have probably been dealing with the conflict of school versus fun since you were in grade school. Back then, the argument was over time spent playing Mario Kart or having to learn your spelling words. As social creatures, we crave having fun and socializing with our friends. However, this can easily overflow and outweigh the other "less fun" but more necessary areas of our life. Also, when alcohol or drama is added to the social life, as it often is, studying or sleeping can be difficult to do. Sleep can be challenging if you are constantly thinking about the argument last night between two friends or if you are on the phone talking to the girl you met earlier at the party. Furthermore, studying becomes almost impossible if you are hungover or still buzzing from last night's party. Social life weighs heavily on the college student because they think they are expected to party. Another negative consequence is that all good parties happen at night! I'll exclude that awesome laser tag party you went to a decade ago when the pizza was finished and the party was finished by dinner. By the time you're in college, a well-spent night often ends around 5am when it's time for a Waffle House run, or "Fourth Dinner."
The running joke of these three 'S' options: sleep, school, or social- is that only two can be done Successfully (a fourth 'S' ?). This is simply not true and as new students learn the importance of managing their time and how to balance his priorities, the student will find that it is completely possible and ultimately necessary to find an adequate balance if they want to enjoy their college experience. It is possible to even combine these essentials or variations of them. For example, try finding a study group that you enjoy spending time with. This will help with school and socializing. Try and do your homework right after class (what is he thinking?!) so that the material will be fresh in your mind and you will have that much more free time to socialize or sleep. Don't procrastinate or wait until the last minute, that way you can go out on the weekend (or whenever- yea there are parties going on outside of the weekend- welcome to college) and not have to worry about the latest assignment or test. Then again, ignore all this and learn for yourself. After a few weeks of two hours of sleep and sloppy test results, human nature will forge you into a cliche college student.
Cerro Coso Community College
Cerro Coso is one of three exceptional colleges offered to high school (or GED equivalent) graduates in the Kern Community College District in California. The focus of this post is on Mammoth Lakes- a community college that offers magnificent on campus housing for their students. The housing is often better than other on campus housing, in regards to price, safety, convenience, and scenery. The scenery that students enjoy in their on campus house at Mammoth Lakes is incredible.
Located in Mammoth Lakes, California, Cerro Coso Community College offers on campus housing for their students. The Eastern Sierra College Center serves many different counties with a focus centered in either Bishop or Mammoth Lakes. Mammoth Lakes community college offers on campus housing to its students so that they can be close to campus and focus on their studies. The Mammoth Lakes in Cerro Coso community college offer housing for their students but many are frustrated because of how quickly available rooms are taken. Many community colleges do not offer on campus dorms or housing, usually because they are located in the middle of large cities and this can be detrimental to the non-traditional students college experience. However, having a community college with housing on campus is a great aspect to keep in mind when searching for community colleges. The Eastern Sierra College Center gives students the opportunity to study in the classroom or online, so that mothers, full-time workers, or non-traditional students can get their education at the lowest opportunity cost.
On campus many programs of study are offered such as Human Services as well as Liberal Art's degrees in English, Science, Arts and Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Nursing and Physical Education are other areas of study that the community college student can receive their degree in.
Located in a beautiful mountain town, South Gateway student apartments give all the benefits of a four year degree at the cost of a two year stay. The scenery is magnificent because the apartments are surrounded by snow capped mountains and wonderful weather. Their is a computer lab, pool table, and family-style dinner nights available to the residents. The apartments come fully renovated with plasma televisions, wonderful bathrooms, a kitchen, and wireless internet. In addition the houses have balconies so that the students can fully take in the breath-taking scenery that surrounds them. Personally, I would spend many nights on the balcony, in perfect weather, studying and breathing fresh air. The students apartments seem very luxurious especially at such an affordable price and the fact that the apartments are in a prime location to campus. The apartments are under the management of Mammoth Lakes Foundation who have been doing an excellent job of making sure that their students enjoy their stay on the wonderfully located on-campus apartments. To learn more about the quality and convenience that Mammother Lakes students get via their apartments visit mammothstudentapartments.org
One rumor that surrounds community colleges is that they are not as academically challenging or as much fun as a regular four year schooling. The Cerro Coso Community College, especially the one in Mammoth Lakes makes that statement false. One thing is for sure, if you are a high school graduate or have an equivalent G.E.D. there are other options than a standard four year college. Just because your education if from a community college does not mean it isn't a respectable degree and you will enjoy yourself and the college experience if you make the right decision. This community college also offers online classes and has been teaching students online since 1997.
Ivy League: No
'Mascot: Coyotes
Founded: 1973
Newspaper: Coyote Howler Newsletter
Website: cerrocoso.edu
Located in Mammoth Lakes, California, Cerro Coso Community College offers on campus housing for their students. The Eastern Sierra College Center serves many different counties with a focus centered in either Bishop or Mammoth Lakes. Mammoth Lakes community college offers on campus housing to its students so that they can be close to campus and focus on their studies. The Mammoth Lakes in Cerro Coso community college offer housing for their students but many are frustrated because of how quickly available rooms are taken. Many community colleges do not offer on campus dorms or housing, usually because they are located in the middle of large cities and this can be detrimental to the non-traditional students college experience. However, having a community college with housing on campus is a great aspect to keep in mind when searching for community colleges. The Eastern Sierra College Center gives students the opportunity to study in the classroom or online, so that mothers, full-time workers, or non-traditional students can get their education at the lowest opportunity cost.
On campus many programs of study are offered such as Human Services as well as Liberal Art's degrees in English, Science, Arts and Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Nursing and Physical Education are other areas of study that the community college student can receive their degree in.
From the balcony of a Cerro Coso Community College in Mammoth Lakes Housing |
One rumor that surrounds community colleges is that they are not as academically challenging or as much fun as a regular four year schooling. The Cerro Coso Community College, especially the one in Mammoth Lakes makes that statement false. One thing is for sure, if you are a high school graduate or have an equivalent G.E.D. there are other options than a standard four year college. Just because your education if from a community college does not mean it isn't a respectable degree and you will enjoy yourself and the college experience if you make the right decision. This community college also offers online classes and has been teaching students online since 1997.
Ivy League: No
'Mascot: Coyotes
Founded: 1973
Newspaper: Coyote Howler Newsletter
Website: cerrocoso.edu
College Summer School: Not like High School
In high school, for those who remember those four years of their life, summer school was where the failing students had to go, if they wanted to get their high school diploma. The idea of summer school back then conjured up images of a hot classroom, full of students who didn't want to be their.
In college, summer school is much different. The classes offer an opportunity to earn valuable credit hours during your free time. Homework is similar to the normal school year, but the pace of the class is much faster. The students who attend summer classes are usually the most serious and dedicated which is the exact opposite of high school's summer school. The courses move at a rapid pace, and many students compare one day of summer classes to an entire week of class material.
Many students are against summer school because they feel they have earned a break from studying (much like the high school mindset) and they just want to party and sleep in for the entire summer. This mentality is common in lower level students, because often a college student begins to take on even more responsibilities over the summer such as a job or internship. A positive aspect of summer school is that classes can be a great way to meet new friends while at the same time earning credits and learning new material.
Summer courses are ideal for students who want to pursue academic knowledge outside of their major. Many students take foreign languages over the summer because they can dedicate all their attention to the area of study. In addition to foreign languages, many students would encourage someone to take challenging courses over the summer, because they will not have as many distractions in their life and can focus time and energy on studying and passing the course. Studying over the summer will put you on the fast track to graduating. A student can easily advance half a year by taking two or more summer courses over the four year program. Since summer school will have much smaller classrooms, the student to teacher ratio is better, making it great for students who need the attention and support of a teacher without the distractions of large classrooms.
Summer school is also recommended for incoming freshman, though, as was stated earlier, many new freshmen do not take advantage of the potential that summer school offers. By attending classes over the summer, new freshman, or new students, can familiarize themselves with the campus, the student body, the knowledge their classes expect, and summer classes also ease the nervousness many new students have when attending a new school.
Even though many college students will argue that summer classes are a way to get "burnt out" or bored with studying, attending summer classes without a doubt, will help ease incoming students, advance students quickly, and is an ideal environment for learning challenging course work.
In college, summer school is much different. The classes offer an opportunity to earn valuable credit hours during your free time. Homework is similar to the normal school year, but the pace of the class is much faster. The students who attend summer classes are usually the most serious and dedicated which is the exact opposite of high school's summer school. The courses move at a rapid pace, and many students compare one day of summer classes to an entire week of class material.
Typical Summer School Student |
Summer courses are ideal for students who want to pursue academic knowledge outside of their major. Many students take foreign languages over the summer because they can dedicate all their attention to the area of study. In addition to foreign languages, many students would encourage someone to take challenging courses over the summer, because they will not have as many distractions in their life and can focus time and energy on studying and passing the course. Studying over the summer will put you on the fast track to graduating. A student can easily advance half a year by taking two or more summer courses over the four year program. Since summer school will have much smaller classrooms, the student to teacher ratio is better, making it great for students who need the attention and support of a teacher without the distractions of large classrooms.
Summer school is also recommended for incoming freshman, though, as was stated earlier, many new freshmen do not take advantage of the potential that summer school offers. By attending classes over the summer, new freshman, or new students, can familiarize themselves with the campus, the student body, the knowledge their classes expect, and summer classes also ease the nervousness many new students have when attending a new school.
Even though many college students will argue that summer classes are a way to get "burnt out" or bored with studying, attending summer classes without a doubt, will help ease incoming students, advance students quickly, and is an ideal environment for learning challenging course work.
University of Pennsylvania
The University of Pennsylvania, or UPENN, is a academic institution which excels in all areas of college life including campus living, academics, athletics, and student organizations. This may be a result of the fact that Benjamin Franklin founded this college. The school of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania has created some of the most brilliant and talented doctors and nurses, which explains why their hospitals are ranked in the top 10 in the United States. The arts, athletics, research, healthcare, news, and libraries at UPENN are envied by other colleges. UPENN also has an active international study program. Almost a quarter of all PENN Quakers are involved in a fraternity or sorority, giving this Philadelphia college a strong and effective Greek life.
The University of Pennsylvania spends over $700,000,000 in research and development annually! Known for their talents in business (Wharton), law, and medicine, University of Pennsylvania also offers many public outreach programs. UPENN also has a museum known as the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Their schools of nanotechnology, bio-engineering, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering are highly ranked and extremely challenging and prestigious areas of study in UPENN's college of engineering.
Traditions at UPENN include "hey day" and throwing toast onto Franklin Field. Like many other ivy league schools, University of Pennsylvania has many traditions and legends rooted in their deep history.
They have a famous campus media, which traces its roots back over a century. UPENN also has various athletic and recreation activities such as soccer and track and field. They also have a respected arts and culture program, the greatly appreciated community outreach programs, and also well-loved residential halls. Students enjoy dining at the University of Pennsylvania as well as the spiritual aspect that UPENN develops in addition to religion. The religious groups at University of Pennsylvania include Jewish and Catholics.
UPENN has a gracious financial aid program, ensuring that those who are dedication enough can become graduates of this Ivy League college. Their alumni include poets, presidents, and influential businessman, as well as the brightest and intellectual thinkers in fields of medicine, law, healthcare, or religion.
Motto: Laws without morals are in vain
Founded: 1740
Campus Location: Philadelphia, PA
School Colors: Blue, Red
Athletic Division: NCAA Division I
Mascot: Quakers
Ivy League: Yes
Notable Alumni: Donald Trump, William Henry Harrison, William Carlos Williams
Website: www.upenn.edu
The University of Pennsylvania spends over $700,000,000 in research and development annually! Known for their talents in business (Wharton), law, and medicine, University of Pennsylvania also offers many public outreach programs. UPENN also has a museum known as the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Their schools of nanotechnology, bio-engineering, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering are highly ranked and extremely challenging and prestigious areas of study in UPENN's college of engineering.
Traditions at UPENN include "hey day" and throwing toast onto Franklin Field. Like many other ivy league schools, University of Pennsylvania has many traditions and legends rooted in their deep history.
They have a famous campus media, which traces its roots back over a century. UPENN also has various athletic and recreation activities such as soccer and track and field. They also have a respected arts and culture program, the greatly appreciated community outreach programs, and also well-loved residential halls. Students enjoy dining at the University of Pennsylvania as well as the spiritual aspect that UPENN develops in addition to religion. The religious groups at University of Pennsylvania include Jewish and Catholics.
UPENN has a gracious financial aid program, ensuring that those who are dedication enough can become graduates of this Ivy League college. Their alumni include poets, presidents, and influential businessman, as well as the brightest and intellectual thinkers in fields of medicine, law, healthcare, or religion.
Motto: Laws without morals are in vain
Founded: 1740
Campus Location: Philadelphia, PA
School Colors: Blue, Red
Athletic Division: NCAA Division I
Mascot: Quakers
Ivy League: Yes
Notable Alumni: Donald Trump, William Henry Harrison, William Carlos Williams
Website: www.upenn.edu
Princeton University
What used to be known as the College of New Jersey from 1746 to 1896, Princeton University has allowed their New Jersey location to be detrimental to their students education, athletics, or college experience. Despite the infamous reputation of the Jersey Shore and fellow New Jersey locals, Princeton, as the fourth oldest college in the United States, separates their students from the dirty and immoral locals by staying true to their roots of tradition, respect, and honor.
The student-athlete's at Princeton know the expectation they are expected to live up to and respect. Princeton offers intramural, club, and both women's and men's sports teams. As a member of the Ivy League, Princeton is extremely competitive, dedicated, and talented when it comes to both athletics and academics. Tickets to their athletic events sell out quickly and their stadiums can seat the entire student body as well as over 20,000 loyal Princeton fans. Princeton athletics is specifically known for their powerful football and lacrosse teams.
Their campus includes many historic and old buildings including the [1] McCarter Theatre which receives donations from Thomas McCarter as well as other alumni to support the student performers of Prince, [2] Nassau Hall (the oldest building on their campus), and the famous [3] Princeton University Art Museum which holds over 70,000 treasures.
Around the buildings on campus, one can see the respects made to former graduating classes in the form of Ivy Stones, which pay their respects to older classes.
Ivy stones are just one of the many traditions and legends of the historic Princeton Campus. The FitzRandolph Gate's, known by all students, is rumored to curse undergraduates into never graduating if they leave campus under its arches. Princeton brings true meaning to the term "Ivy" League, by having many buildings covered in the legendary ivy. The ivy covered buildings, prestigious athletics, and competitive acceptance rate make Princeton students have an unforgettable college experience.
Motto: Under God's Power She Flourishes
Founded: 1746
Campus Location Princeton, NJ
Colors: Black, Orange
Ivy League: Yes
Tuition: approx. $38,000
Mascot: Tigers
Notable Alumni: Woodrow Wilson, Brooke Shields, 2008 First Lady Michelle Obama
Website: www.princeton.edu
The student-athlete's at Princeton know the expectation they are expected to live up to and respect. Princeton offers intramural, club, and both women's and men's sports teams. As a member of the Ivy League, Princeton is extremely competitive, dedicated, and talented when it comes to both athletics and academics. Tickets to their athletic events sell out quickly and their stadiums can seat the entire student body as well as over 20,000 loyal Princeton fans. Princeton athletics is specifically known for their powerful football and lacrosse teams.
Their campus includes many historic and old buildings including the [1] McCarter Theatre which receives donations from Thomas McCarter as well as other alumni to support the student performers of Prince, [2] Nassau Hall (the oldest building on their campus), and the famous [3] Princeton University Art Museum which holds over 70,000 treasures.
Around the buildings on campus, one can see the respects made to former graduating classes in the form of Ivy Stones, which pay their respects to older classes.
Ivy stones are just one of the many traditions and legends of the historic Princeton Campus. The FitzRandolph Gate's, known by all students, is rumored to curse undergraduates into never graduating if they leave campus under its arches. Princeton brings true meaning to the term "Ivy" League, by having many buildings covered in the legendary ivy. The ivy covered buildings, prestigious athletics, and competitive acceptance rate make Princeton students have an unforgettable college experience.
Princeton Tigers! |
Founded: 1746
Campus Location Princeton, NJ
Colors: Black, Orange
Ivy League: Yes
Tuition: approx. $38,000
Mascot: Tigers
Notable Alumni: Woodrow Wilson, Brooke Shields, 2008 First Lady Michelle Obama
Website: www.princeton.edu
Dartmouth College
Another Ivy League university, Dartmouth College, has a rich history of competitiveness and academic advancement. Their campus is classic with an atmosphere of excellence. Their alumni are known to do excel after graduating. Dartmouth has one of the highest paying average yearly incomes for their graduates, who are known to become CEO's, professional sports players, and even vice presidents of the United States. Dartmouth teaches their students to become over achievers in all aspects of education, which explains why their grads do amazing work with their knowledge in education, government, and business careers.
Dartmouth takes pride in their student organizations. Whether students participate in research work, student government, or one of their famous religious and spiritual groups, the classroom is only one aspect of the Dartmouth experience.
The academic prestige that Dartmouth is known for is grouped into specific learning areas such as the Thayer School of Engineering, Tuck School of Business, or the Geisel School of Medicine. Dartmouth is an ivy league school, in addition to their competitive varsity athletic program, the school also offers intramural and other outdoor programs for their luckily accepted students.
The campus life includes a country club located in Hanover for a rich and cultural social life. The etiquette of students is expected to be socially acceptable for their high class and prestigious culture. New Hampshire is the perfect state for students to enjoy skiing and also horse riding. Dartmouth has a program known as the Morton Farm Riding Center, where those who enjoy horseback riding can enjoy trails and beautiful scenery. Night life is another aspect of socializing for the Moose, and they frequent local bars and restaurants in Hanover such as the famous 'Taylor's Restaurant'.
Despite some students who say they didn't enjoy the town of Hanover as much as they enjoyed on-campus activities at Dartmouth, all students can agree the faculty, teachers, athletics, and fellow colleagues assure them that they made the right decision to attend Dartmouth.
Motto: The voice of one crying in the wilderness
Founded: December 1769
Campus: Hanover, New Hampshire
Color: 'Dartmouth' Green
Mascots (Unofficial): Moose, Keggy the Keg
Ivy League: Yes
Notable Alumni: Nelson Rockefeller, C. Michael Armstrong
Website: Dartmouth.edu
Dartmouth takes pride in their student organizations. Whether students participate in research work, student government, or one of their famous religious and spiritual groups, the classroom is only one aspect of the Dartmouth experience.
The academic prestige that Dartmouth is known for is grouped into specific learning areas such as the Thayer School of Engineering, Tuck School of Business, or the Geisel School of Medicine. Dartmouth is an ivy league school, in addition to their competitive varsity athletic program, the school also offers intramural and other outdoor programs for their luckily accepted students.
The campus life includes a country club located in Hanover for a rich and cultural social life. The etiquette of students is expected to be socially acceptable for their high class and prestigious culture. New Hampshire is the perfect state for students to enjoy skiing and also horse riding. Dartmouth has a program known as the Morton Farm Riding Center, where those who enjoy horseback riding can enjoy trails and beautiful scenery. Night life is another aspect of socializing for the Moose, and they frequent local bars and restaurants in Hanover such as the famous 'Taylor's Restaurant'.
Despite some students who say they didn't enjoy the town of Hanover as much as they enjoyed on-campus activities at Dartmouth, all students can agree the faculty, teachers, athletics, and fellow colleagues assure them that they made the right decision to attend Dartmouth.
Motto: The voice of one crying in the wilderness
Founded: December 1769
Campus: Hanover, New Hampshire
Color: 'Dartmouth' Green
Mascots (Unofficial): Moose, Keggy the Keg
Ivy League: Yes
Notable Alumni: Nelson Rockefeller, C. Michael Armstrong
Website: Dartmouth.edu